Cynthia’s Favorite Resources

Women’s health has been my focus for many years and here are some of the resources I refer to when I need guidance.  I have attended online courses with some of these experts in the field and regularly enjoy listening to podcasts they produce. There is always more to learn and I am ready to absorb all I can get my hands on! Take your health into your own hands. It can be very empowering to know you have control and can change your health with the choices you make. I am available as a sounding board should you need someone to listen to your concerns and help you find the resources you need. – Aviva Romm MD is one of my personal favorites in women’s health.  She was a midwife and herbalist for 25 years and then went to Yale and became a medical doctor.  She specializes in women’s and children’s health.  Check out her blog posts and podcasts. – Katy Bowman says ‘You are how you move’, and this website can help you restore your body by moving towards more nutritious movement. Move, have fun, and feel good! – Be sure to look ‘all around’ this website from remedies to recipes to motherhood to natural home and more. Loaded with helpful information. – A revolution in women’s heath. Learn about women’s chronic conditions and how you can heal yours. – Christiane Northrup MD is a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness, which includes the unity of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. – Rosemary Gladstar, Herbalist.  This is the place to go to learn about herbalism.  I attended her three year online course,  ‘The Science and Art of Herbalism’ and gained a solid foundation in herbalism. I enjoy growing many of the herbs I use for cooking and medicine. – Susun Weed, author of the Wise Woman Herbal series, is an extraordinary teacher with a joyous spirit, a powerful presence, and an extensive knowledge of herbs and health. She guides women in activating the energy of their bodies and reclaiming the wild in themselves. Understanding the creative essence within your own center is the key for giving life to your dreams.